Cheap Slut Part 1 – Gay4Pay in the Dungeon

Chained as a slutty fuck meat and sold to the clients for € 20. Dominatrix Lady Vampira is a businesswoman and takes her victims from the street to mercilessly blackmail and exploit them. Everyone who pays can do what he wants with the bitch and the 2 hole mare knows it is better to comply with the men and their perverse wishes. First the price is negotiated, then the customer is led to the dungeon, who is very surprised at the loud whine of the dirty whore. The captivity ensures the extra turnover of the mistress, for a life in luxury. And those who dont buy enough for the mistress will be severely punished! On this day the prostitute only had 5 clients and the 6th doesnt want to pay 100 € for pushing the mud. But for 20 he can be convinced and blow one first. Under the watchful eyes of the madame, the pitiful cunt will let everything be done, otherwise there will be blows!

Cheap Slut Part 1 – Gay4Pay in the Dungeon

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Bootlicker pays my entire rent $$ and STILL gets in trouble

My lil doggy on a leash crawls over and presents my entire $1,700 rent money with his teeth. Good boy!! I let him lick my boots while I count it to make sure his dumbass didnt screw up…and I find an extra $25. With is tail (penis) wagging, little boot smoocher explains that was a tip for his goddess. The fuck?! Twenty five dollars?!?! Thats more like an insult! I kick him around in my hot Gianmarcos, make him taste the soles and lick the floor (especially where I spit). Funny thing is, if his loser ass had just given the exact rent amount, he wouldnt have gotten in trouble.. 

Bootlicker pays my entire rent $$ and STILL gets in trouble

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World Goddess at Yezzclips

Stinky nylons and humiliation

Take my boots off and smell my pungent white nylons–which now have discolored soles from all my foot sweat! I tell loser to smell my foot and ask him if he was a normal person, would it be stinky..? But to him its divine, and grows a loser boner haha. I love foot slaves–sooo easy to manipulate. I make loser hold an awkward pose because its more comfy to rest my smelly feet on his face this way–and I have some shopping to do after this so I make him give me his wallet and rub my feet. Ill be holiday shopping; I remind little doormat that his presents are dirty socks and licking shoes lol. I make him pull out his boner and then belittle him for getting hard to sniffing womens feet and he confesses that my feet are his god while kissing them–and hes made aware that my stud laughs at him too for getting so aroused by my nylons! Little dumbass hands up his wallet and continues worshiping my pampered foot while I remove his cash and credit cards, telling him that hes paying for all the gifts Im buying for my gfs and stud. After all the humiliation, I make loser edge himself while sniffing my stinky foot… but make him stop each time before he cums!! Then make him kneel before me so I can spit in his face several times haha!

Stinky nylons and humiliation

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A THOUSAND dollars to smell my foot!

What an idiot! loser crawls to my feet and presents a grand with his mouth. This is the cost for the privilege of sniffing my foot. However…I like how my feet look in these sexy heels and I dont really wanna take them off. So I tell him that he can just lick the bottom of my shoe instead. And also, I may have stepped in dawg doo while out on a lunch date, so…. enjoy!! (and hes so dumb, he actually tributed $1,100 lol!)

A THOUSAND dollars to smell my foot!

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Foot cucky tribute$ a THOU$AND and is STILL humiliated

Enjoy the smell down there, loser?dumbass falls to his knees and offers up a THOUSAND DOLLAR tribute to please me. In return, I verbally belittle and make him lick my high class heels, telling him that dirt tastes better when licked off the soles of a pair of Louboutins!–I have an important business meeting with some hot guys (paid for with loser cash) and then going to the bar later with my gfs…so I make dumbass smell my pungent nylons so hard that the odor gets sniffed out of them lol. I let him know that I tell all my gfs about how he licks my shoes and they think hes SUCH a loser!! And he calls me God, haha!Might call my stud later too…he likes to fuck me with my nylons and heels on, and loser cucky will get a taste of his cum when I get back home, and also my feet are going to totally reek again after partying tonight (and my heels will need to be relicked)!! I make dumbass pull out his boner and show it to me–proof that hes a moron for getting aroused to be totally humiliated by a woman, and bust his balls a few times with my shoe tip. Sucks to be one of you losers out there!!!

Foot cucky tribute$ a THOU$AND and is STILL humiliated

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Pay to eat Pussy

Want the honor of eating my divine pussy? Then you have to pay me bitch! cucky slave tributes me on his knees, where he belongs–I grant permission to orally serve and count his money while he licks my sweet pussy into an amazing orgasm! Money, power, beauty…I have it all and it makes me horny AF! I think its so hot that my loser slave licks my glistening pussy, knowing my stud gets to fuck it daily!

Pay to eat Pussy

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PUNGENT nylon worship

Little loser worships my reeky nylon-clad feet while I do important things like take hot selfies for my bf! And when I say reeky, I mean…omg!! My nylon feet are max stink it this clip! Was in my hot heels all day and that pair makes feet so hot and sweaty, and smelly!!! Like room clearing foot odor haha. I dont know how you foot losers cant STAND IT. Ew! I make my foot slave rub my damp, pungent soles with his face and worship my tired soles like a good dumbass. This is an excellent clip if you are into worshiping the STRONG scent of a very active womans feet in nylons that are damp with her foot sweat! 

PUNGENT nylon worship

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World Goddess at Yezzclips

$100 to lick my sweaty foot

Im busy scrolling and communicating on my phone, I actually have a life…unlike you, loser. So just worship my sweaty foot down on your knees and dont be bothering me. That will give you something to do. Btw, it costs $100 to lick my foot and I just got done working out in my reeky converse, with no socks on. And when youre done tongue cleaning my smelly sole, you get your face spit on as a reward.

$100 to lick my sweaty foot

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World Goddess at Yezzclips

Cater to My every whim

I relax in the chair as domestic dumbass vacuums the floor in the background, such petty chores are not done by a goddess. When I snap my fingers, he brings me a cold glass of water on his knees–however, like an idiot he forgets that I require 3 ice cubes, not 2! Once Im satisfied, I spit in his face as a reward for finally getting things correct. Whenever I snap my fingers, he has to serve and obey whatever demands I have:Kiss my shoes, lint roll my shirt (the closest hes gonna get to my huge tits), massage my feet and basically be my bitch and do whatever I say. Im going on a date tonight so I also make him give me his wallet, and since loser has minimal cash, I take his ccs. As I use his face to rest my smelly feet on, I also tell him to apply for another credit card while Im out getting fucked because my stud and I want to go on another vacation and I ALSO WANT A NEW CAR! (contact me to buy me a car and be my financial slave!!)

Cater to My every whim

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