Today I make a real cucki out of you honey. I realized already that he might be gay my little fag, when I saw him watching other men. Therefore I invite a friend of mine and he has to suck his cock, until the END! He struggles against it first, but with my will it seems that he appreciates the fat cock and swallows at the end the full load of cum 😉
Category Archives: Cuckolding
To my cuckold slave husband
CINDY and MAX – Cuckquean – Today your husband will find out that you are just a slave! (4K)
Olivia recently married Max. They lived for almost half a year as husband and wife and were happy. Olivias Mistresses were kind to her and said they would not humiliate her in front of her husband. Max doesnt know that Olivia is a slave. But today Cindy decided to have fun and came to visit Olivia and Max. The doorbell rang and when Olivia saw Cindy, her legs trembled .. Olivia realized that she was in for humiliation. “Hello handsome! And hello slut!” – Greeted Cindy and kissed Max on the cheek. Olivia lowered her head and greeted her Mistress. Max did not understand what was happening and invited Cindy into the room. “Didnt you know that you married a slave? She will do whatever I tell her.” – Said Cindy with a smile and took out the collar. She put it on Olivia and ordered her to kiss her hands. Max wondered what was happening and they continued to chat with Cindy. Olivia then removed Cindys sneakers and started cleaning them. It was very strange for Max to see this .. He saw his wife cleaning sneakers and following orders and he began to feel disgust for her. Cindy showed him pictures from her phone of Olivia worshiping her feet. “You have a very capable wife. Now she will chew on my sweaty socks.. look!” – Cindy said and shoved her socks into Olivias mouth. Max kissed Cindy while Olivia chewed on her socks. Olivia felt as humiliated as possible. “Since my wife is a slave, maybe she will chew my socks too?” – Max chuckled. Olivia took off her husbands socks and stuffed them into her mouth. “Hahaha! Your wife has a very big throat! Did you choose her by the depth of her mouth? LOL! Can she suck?” – Cindy asked and began to push her feet into pathetic Olivias mouth. Max hugged and kissed Cindy while Olivia sucked her feet. “I cant believe youre my wife! Suck my feet too.. you can do that! LOL!” Max said. Olivia humiliatingly sucked her husbands feet while he kissed her Mistress. “How do you like male feet? Haha!” – Laughed Cindy and continued to cuddle with Max. Olivia was very ashamed .. she understood that now she was her husbands slave too ..
Lady Scarlet – Worship me in front of him
This lousy worm lies on the floor naked, face covered in a closed mask and the ridiculous little dick in a chastity cage. Across the room the opposite of him, my bull in all his splendor and physical power. I want my partner to watch as this submissive worm is humiliated and bend to my will, to my total control. I open some slits on his mask, the first thing he sees are they key to his chastity cage: he wont have it! Then I make him lick my shoes: he immediately throws himself at my feet almost hungry to adore me. He licks my shoes, heels and ankles as I comment smugly to my partner who is enjoying the show. Now he takes off my shoes and begins to adore and lick my bare feet well, which at times I insert into his mouth all the way down while at the same time I crush his head with the other foot as a sign of domination. I ask my partner if after what he has seen he agrees to take him with us, he nods yes and then I put my shoes back on, I take the leash and we go out for a walk together.
THE LOVE COUCH PART 3: CLIP IN GERMAN: Like in part 2 the unhappily in love cuckold-pay pig has to watch on its knees AS THE DIVINE PRINCESS makes passionate love with its ABSOLUTELY SUPERIOR BULLY on the LOVE COUCH. To complete the humiliation of shitface the 40 years old Virgin Loser has to smell the big male feet of its BULLY. Meanwhile THE BLONDE DREAM GIRL of the wimp is riding the HUGE COCK-MONSTER of MASTER HUMILIATOR. THIS SHOW UNLEASHED A NEVER BEFORE SEEN CUCKOLD-HUMILIATION BOMB composed of SHEER EMOTIONAL SADISM and PERFECTED FEMININE CRUELTY! ABSOLUTELY HOT CUCKOLDING AT ITS BEST!
humiliation of husband HD
My girlfriend is treated badly by her husband.I decree that we should punish him by making him watch her fuck another man while he is being degraded to a cuckold.
Cuckolding 69
THE LOVE PRESS : CLIP IN GERMAN : Squeezed into the LOVE PRESS Shitface the 40 year old Virgin Loser , has to suffer the hot sex games of THE DIVINE MASTER COUPLE! EVERYTIME THE MUSCULAR, SUPER MEAN HUMILIATOR enters the cunt of DIVINE PRINCESS with a mighty impact the cuckold-pay pig has to suffer in bitter agonyÂ…
Cuckolding Compilation
Regulärer Preis: 86,68€Clip 1) Cuckolds dürfen zahlenNicht genug dass du kleiner Spinner meine heiße Unterwäsche zahlst, die mein Alpha Lover und ich gleich im heißen Liebesakt „entjungfern“ werden, nein du stehst auch noch drauf dass man dir zeigt und sagt was du niemals bekommen wirst. Du zahlst sogar dafür. Sieh dir mein pralles, üppiges Dekolleté an. Was würdest du tun, um meine geilen, dicken Titten einmal anfassen zu dürfen, sie ein einziges Mal zu kneten, deinen Kopf darin zu vergraben und sie zu küssen?Kleine Cuckies wie du haben kein Recht dazu. Sie dürfen lediglich dafür zahlen, in dem Wissen, dass ich von einem heißen Hengst flach gelegt werde, der es mir richtig hart besorgt während sich die heiße Welle purer Ekstase über meinen Körper ergießt und schließlich in einem lauten, befreienden Orgasmus endet.Und du? Du wirst wieder einmal von uns beiden benutzt indem du den heißen Saft von meinem Mann, den er auf meine geilen Titten entladen hat, und welchen ich für dich in ein Kondom füllen werde, kaufen und schlucken darfst. Das sind die Privilegien eines Cuckolds, das ist dein Leben du kleiner jämmerlicher Spermalutscher.Und jetzt kauf den Clip und beweise dir, meinem Mann und mir, was für ein erbärmlicher Versager du bist.Clip 2) Schwarze Schwänze für FrauchenDein kleines Würstchen hat einfach niemals ausgereicht und nun ist deine Frau auf den Geschmack von dicken, schwarzen Alpha-Schwänzen gekommen. Genau genommen will sie nichts anderes mehr in sich haben, was dich kleine Nutte zwangsläufig zum Cuckold macht. Wieder einmal wird die Rolle die du spielst ein Stückchen klarer. Als Beta-Randfigur hast du nur noch eine Option um wahrgenommen zu werden. Gib dich deinem inneren Drang hin, erkenne und akzeptiere was du bist und vor allem: Wozu du da bist.Clip 3) Cuckold blind dateHeute Nacht lege ich es drauf an weil ich mal wieder richtig Lust auf heißen Sex habe. Ich dachte da an Speeddating. Und deine Rolle bei dem ganzen wird die des leidenschaftlichen Cuckolds sein! Ich will, dass du brav dabei bist wenn ich stöhne, mich hingebe und lustvollen Sex habe, während du kleiner Affe nur passiv mitbekommst was niemals real für dich werden wird…Clip 4) Schlucke Alpha SpermaGeborgen als der totale Fickversager, hast du relativ schnell verstanden das du in der Welt der Frauen niemals als echter Mann wahrgenommen werden wirst. Du hast dich damit abgefunden als keuscher Cuckold Frauen wie mir zu dienen, welche dich ganz nach Ihren wünschen benutzen und missbrauchen. Mein Mann und ich haben geilen Alpha Sex an welchem du in Zukunft teilhaben kannst. Voraussetzung hierfür – DU SCHLUCKST sein Alpha Sperma!Clip 5) Zahle meine heiße neue UnterwäscheAls Fickversager bleiben dir nicht sonderlich viele Möglichkeiten um hart zu werden, dass hast du in den vergangenen Jahren in denen du so häufig sexuell versagt hast ganz sicher mitbekommen. “Normale” Frauen kriegen dein “Bestes Stück” nichtmal im Ansatz hart doch Mein Clip-Titel und diese Beschreibung reichen schon aus um das erbärmliche kleine Ding zu Glanzleistungen zu treiben. Also wollen wir dich doch einmal richtig schön nach meinem Ermessen nutzen… denn genutzt wirst du doch leidenschaftlich gerne, habe ich nicht recht? ALLE CLIPS SIND AUCH EINZELN IM STORE ZU ERHÄLTLICH!
Only BBC For Your Snowbunny GF
I want to become a snow bunny and the journey will end up in me being a total BBC whore.
Cuckold Real life EP 3 – Hotwife have meal with her alpha lover while cuck serve and eat under table – CUCKOLD – FOOT WORSHIP – HUMILIATION – FOOT DOMINATION – FINDOM – SLAVE – FLIP FLOPS – FOOTSTOOL – ALPHA HUMILIATION –
Goddess Kiffa is training her cuck. He now has to be her slave for 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week. In this video we will see a part of this experience.Kiffa makes her cuck serve her meal for her and her alpha lover. After serving all the meal, she orders him to be under the table , and steps on his face, using his face as a footstool while she chats and eats with her alpha lover! He is allowed to lick her soles sometimes.She makes him eat her leftovers, and thanks her! He eats her leftovers on the plate and thanks her.