This will be your final meal, garbage slave!

Hey there, garbage slave … how do you feel? Is it cold out here in my garage in the winter? Dont worry, you wont have to endure it much longer … garbage collection day is soon … and the garbage truck compactor will end your suffering! But today, youll still live in my garbage can … and Ill feed you some more disgusting trash … kitchen scraps, rotten food, covered in mold … stinky disgusting stuff … and you know what they say … you are what you eat! 😀 And not all the trash will be organic … I also have to empty my bathroom trash, my ashtrays and my vacuum cleaner! And youll be buried under all of that. Enjoy your meal, loser … probably your last meal before the garbage collection comes!

This will be your final meal, garbage slave!

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Madame Marissa at Yoogirls