You introverted sucker couldnt believe how lucky you are having me as your girlfriend and because this is your very first relationship you have no clue how a true romantic attachment would look like. Thats why things are totaly normal for ya by which any other guy would run away. You accept that I never let you have any sexual interactions with me, spend barely time with you and got full access to your bank account because you are unable handling your money. You do everything for me craving for my attention but there is something I gotta confess: I have a affair with your boss! In contrast to you he is charismatic, succesful and knows how to treat a woman right – so you can understand that I broke down, right? I explain to you shocked loser in all pervy details how it all began – how we got to know each other and spent our first dates. How good he fucks me and how willingly I suck his cock while you are at work. We betrayed you the whole time, bitched about you, had sex in our bed and now its getting clear to ya why you had to work so many extra hours since the last six months. With a smile I tell you bastard how things will go on for ya and that you dont have any other chance, otherwise you would lose your job, your apartment and all your cash. So you have to shut the fuck up and tolerate that me and your boss will exploit you as our slave from now on who has to slog day and night for the profit of his company and for my cashflow while we live our best lifes!