Make your micro penis squirt so I can laugh!

I have rarely seen such a small and puny penis as yours. I really have to pull myself together to be able to continue talking about your little thing and not fall over laughing. 😀 Something so pathetic is really completely unmanly, I can never imagine being intimate with your little cock, it looks like an oversized wart and each of my fingers is longer than your cock. It would give me absolutely no sexual satisfaction to fuck with your cock because I probably wouldnt even feel it. It also seems to turn you on when I put you down like that. Since it amuses me and I find it funny, I ask you to jerk off for me on my command at the end of the cum countdown so that I can laugh even more at your pathetic little cock! 😀

Make your micro penis squirt so I can laugh!

Download the clip now!!

Anni Next Door at Yoogirls